Tuesday, 25 October 2011

We Get Cleese, Figuratively

Being part of the audience that John Cleese himself described as the most responsive he has ever played to makes one feel a little bit special, but one also cant doubt that this is a well-rehearsed line that he most likely delivers at the end of each show, nevertheless an evening with Cleese was well worth every cent I spent to get myself and my better half front and centre. To be honest I was not expecting the Mother City to give him such a warm reception, not that I expected it to be cold but I just wasn’t sure how popular it would be.

There were no pretentious suits or zany get ups that many other comedians prefer, slacks and a jacket were all that he needed to make an impression, very much the kind of outfit my father was wearing for the occasion although he made an impression for an entirely different reason. - Dad loves the scotch. – It was this demeanour which resonated through the entire show and permeated the theatre which made me feel as if I was spending as evening with an old friend.
The show opened with an explanation of why he had decided to forgo the relaxing twilight years he was entitled to instead tour the world entertaining audiences and talking about his long, rich and frankly amusing career. If you haven’t heard yet the reason for his tour, or so he claims, is to help him pay the excessive alimony owed to his ex-wife. While this little rant opens the show and leads into a diatribe about the ridiculous Californian legal system, the show is never dominated by it and the theme of the show predominantly follows his career. It truly was like spending an evening with an old friend that happened to know the intimate behind the scene details of your favourite show.

The show’s format was not that of the typical stand-up comedian, with rehearsed gags and one liners, or even tired observations and rehashed stories. It was a genuine and honest retelling of a life spent in the British entertainment industry during a time of massive change and transformation of the British moral code. There is no doubt that the show was well rehearsed as a true performer his timing was impeccable and his ability to improv during the Q&A at the end of the routine showed his colours as a stage performer with years of experience.    
It was an awesome experience and it was fantastic to see the Mother City welcome this icon of comedic entertainment that was so much a part of my childhood. Capetonians, in my humble opinion has always had an uncanny ability to make people chuckle so I suppose it is no surprise that Cleese was so well received.